Wednesday 17 April 2024



One of Napier's main streets in town

Napier is one of those old town's that has been reconstructed with art deco buildings due to the major earthquake of 1931. Every years they host an "art deco" festival where people dress up in 1930's costumes and celebrate.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's Signs.

Sunday 14 April 2024


In a nearby suburb in Greymouth I've been watching the reconstruction of this house and last week I saw that someone had painted a very spacey mural on the outside.

 Personally I really like it - it's kind of weird. What do you think?

Linking up with Mural Monday.

Saturday 13 April 2024



Photo taken last time I was in Westport. I do like brightly painted buildings, especially old ones like this. I personally prefer to make my own pizza, that way I can put more toppings on. What's your favourite pizza?

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and the Weekend Roundup.

Thursday 11 April 2024



In the last week our mornings have been getting very chilly. This photo was taken last week when I started work at 8am. I'm guessing Subway is just about everywhere around the world? 

This was the calm before the storm. Greymouth only got the forecasted wind and rain but further south at Franz Josef, Harihari, Ross and Haast had flooding with people being evacuated. Welcome to Autumn.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's Signs.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Greymouth Beach

We've had some lovely Autumn weather lately with a lot of warm days still.  I decided a walk along one of the local beaches near town was in order.

West Coast beaches tend to have a steady amount of driftwood, pebbles and rocks so I collected some new coloured rocks for my collection.

Someone had collected some big pieces of driftwood and made this kind of teepee which was cool to see.

Sunday 7 April 2024

100 Castlecliff


I'd forgotten about this mural that I took a photo at last time I was at MOTAT. This one on the front side of a tram shed depicts one that was made in 1891 by the Baldwin Locomotive Works in Philadelphia. The tram was bought to Whanganui in 1910 for construction of the Gonville and Castlecliff Tramway board's electric tramway extensions.

It was hardly used after 1912 until 1920 when the Whanganui power supply failed for 3 months. Apparently of all the 500 tram motors that were built for use around the streets this one is the only that is still operating in New Zealand. 

Linking up with Mural Monday.

Saturday 6 April 2024



Photo taken last time we visited Napier which was about 3 years ago I think from memory. This was down one of the little quiet spots in town, which is full of 1930s art deco buildings. This one shows one of the national cell phone companies in New Zealand which is 2 degrees. We have quite a few companies, but this is one of the larger popular ones along with Spark and One (Vodafone). They all have different quirks and ways of doing things - this one isn't for me.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and the Weekend Roundup.


  One of Napier's main streets in town Napier is one of those old town's that has been reconstructed with art deco buildings due to ...